Freedom at their fingertips is money in your pockets

Mobile applications should only exist to make the user’s life easier. They are also a powerful tool for your business if you succeed in this. A truly helpful mobile app means customers can reach out to your business anytime they feel the urge. Apps aren’t only for consumers; they can also facilitate smooth and quick interactions for your employees, partners, and other stakeholders.

Mobile apps are a powerful way to serve your customers and other interest groups. Carefully planned, notification-based conversations with users throughout the application can quickly build trust and improve revenue.

Our Development

We build mobile Apps by analyzing your market needs and requirements.

  • Android App Development
  • ios App Development
Android operating system is the largest installed base among various mobile platforms across the globe. Hundreds of millions of mobile devices are powered by Android in more than 190 countries of the world.
The Platform Libraries includes various C/C++ core libraries and Java based libraries such as Media, Graphics, Surface Manager, OpenGL etc. to provide a support for android development.
JAVA gives the best option for development of mobile applications that are based on Android, as Android consist of its own APIs and JAVA libraries. So, for Android applications, you use android APIs as well as JAVA to write code for Android apps.
Apple provides tools and resources for creating iOS apps and accessories for these devices. As an iOS developer, you can program in native languages such as Swift or Objective-C or build cross-platform native applications using React Native
The Swift programming language is the new “official” language of iOS. While it has many similarities to Objective-C, Swift is designed to use a simpler syntax and is more focused on security than its predecessor. Because it shares a run time with Objective-C, you can easily incorporate legacy code into updated apps.
Swift is easy to learn, even for people just beginning to program. Because Swift is faster, more secure and easier to use than Objective-C, you should plan to use it to develop your iOS app unless you have a compelling reason to stick with Objective-C.

Let's build mobile apps that users will love

Mobile applications have revolutionized the use of online services. Their job is to make people’s lives easier. No more waiting and queuing; almost everything can now be accessed, streamed or ordered with a couple of taps and swipes, using a device that is always within reach. Pretty powerful, if you can turn that opportunity into business.

App design and development requires case-by-case planning. We need to pick the right technologies, features and supporting services. Then we must integrate it to a backend and other existing services. Luckily, our experts know how to make it all work together for a seamless, fast and easy service experience!

User-centric design and technical expertise are the cornerstones for success. Our design team has extensive experience in designing engaging mobile applications. These get turned into technical masterpieces by the best mobile developers in the field, also employed by us. When the design and technology play together perfectly, the end result becomes highly competitive.


As a full-size, comprehensive app design and development studio, we have our mobile app development process well established. We will help you form your idea, create a prototype, and build your application supporting you all the way through to making sure your users get what they really need. We also believe that app design must be closely interwoven with the business strategy for the sake of sustainable growth and focus on living up to this standard.

Currently, we employ first-rate iOS and Android developers. Our mobile development team has several dozens of successfully implemented mobile projects under its belt, which has helped us gain the reputation of one of the best mobile services providers in the region. We will not only get your mobile app coded but will also do it using high-quality programming techniques and methods. So, if you want to get in the tech scene, Vilmate will help you with that.

The First step is to establize that something is possible. Then Probability will occur.